Organe de droit privé, la Fondation est placée sous l’égide de l’Autorité cantonale de surveillance des fondations et des institutions, l’ASFIP Genève.
La Fondation privée des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (ci-après: la Fondation) est une fondation de droit privé, régie par des statuts et par les articles 80 et suivants du Code civil suisse.
Elle est constituée de 4 organes :
- Le Conseil de fondation
- Le Comité consultatif scientifique
- Le Secrétariat général
- L'organe de révision
Le Conseil de fondation est l’organe suprême de la Fondation. Il fait en sorte que les buts de la Fondation soient atteints. Il a les pouvoirs les plus étendus pour la gestion des biens de la Fondation.
Ses compétences :
- Edicte les principes généraux et les prescriptions nécessaires à l’activité de la Fondation
- Détermine les règles de représentation de la Fondation
- Définit les choix stratégiques, notamment en matière de fundraising et de communication
- Recherche toutes les sources de financement pouvant être affectées aux buts de la Fondation
- Veille à la répartition équilibrée entre les différents buts de la Fondation
- Décide de l’attribution des dons, de la durée et du mode de financement des projets, dans le respect des souhaits des donateurs.
- Définit la thématique prioritaire des appels à projets, la procédure de sélection et les critères d’évaluation
- Nomme les membres du Comité consultatif scientifique et du Secrétariat général
- Adopte les budgets annuels ainsi que le bilan, les comptes et le rapport d’activité
Le Conseil de fondation se réunit quatre fois par année, en mars, en juin, en septembre et en décembre.
Composition du conseil de la fondation

Professor Perrier was the Chief Medical Officer of the Geneva University Hospital between 2015 and 2024. For many years, he directed the General Internal Medicine Division and actively participated in developing and implementing the new curriculum of undergraduate medical studies at the University of Geneva's Faculty of Medicine. He has been a full member of the Foundation since 2015 and became its president in 2025.

Chief executive officer of the Geneva University Hospital (HUG) since September 2024, Robert Mardini is both an ex officio member and vice-president of the foundation. A graduate engineer of the EPFL, he has held numerous positions within the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), rising to Director general, a position he held until March 2024.

Mrs Merkli holds an advanced degree in Healthcare Facilities Management was appointed Director of nursing at the Geneva University Hospital in 2017. She is a full member of the Foundation.

Dean of the University of Geneva's Facutly of Medicine since 2023, Professor Geissbühler is a specialist in internal medicine and medical informatics. He serves as the Director of Research and Education on the Executive Committee of the Geneva University Hospital. He is a full member of the Foundation.

Professor Klara Posfay-Barbe has been the Chief Medical Officer of the Geneva University Hospital since 2025. She directed the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit between 2013 and 2022 and the General Pediatrics Department since 2017. Professor Klara Posfay-Barbe continues her work as a pediatrician within the Migrant Health consultation of the General Pediatrics Department. As a full professor of medicine, she teaches general pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and at the Geneva University Hospital. She has been a full member of the Foundation since 2025.

MD of the University of Geneva and PhD of the Rockefeller University, Professor Vassalli focused on developmental genetics over the course of his academic career. He held the title of Rector Emeritus of the University of Geneva from 2007 to 2015. He was the president of the Foundation between 2014 and 2024.

An expert attorney in the judicial and legal matters of charitable foundations and associations, Emmanuelle Argand practices at the Kellerhals Carrard law firm in the areas of financial and estate planning as well as trusts and foundations. She has been a member of the Foundation since 2014 and represents civil society in this capacity.

A former Bordier & Cie associate, the economist and banker Pierre Poncet has put his experience to the service of Geneva and worked for the Geneva Chamber of Commerce for many years.

Rector of the University of Geneva from 2019 to 2024, where he obtained his doctorate in political economy, Pr Flückiger has pursued his academic career in the field of economic and social sciences. Elected president of swissuniversities from February 2020 to January 2023, he took up the presidency of the Swiss Academies of Sciences in January 2024.

Full professor of neurogenetics within the Department of genetics and evolution, part of the University of Geneva’s Faculty of science, Pr Rodriguez worked for five years at Rockefeller University in New York after obtaining his doctorate in Geneva. Appointed by the rectorate of the university, he became an ex officio member since June 2024.
Les activités de la Fondation sont confiées à un Secrétariat général qui est chargé d'administrer la gestion courante de la Fondation et de ses biens, de préparer le budget, les comptes, le rapport d’activité annuel et d’appliquer les décisions du Conseil de fondation. Il organise et coordonne les procédures d’appel à des projets. Il effectue la gestion des projets soutenus et veille au respect des conventions passées avec les donateurs et les chefs de projets.
Composition du secretariat général

General Secretary
After earning her Doctorate of Science at the University of Lausanne, Stéphane Couty worked for many years as Scientific Associate to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva. She has to her credit the MIMOSA evaluation system of scientific research, the creation of the HUG-FACMED Center for Clinical Research, and the creation of the UNIGE-HUG Welcome Center. In 2013, she accepted directorship of the Foundation’s General Administration.

Angela Guariniello joined the Foundation in 2020 and is responsible for administrative monitoring of the Foundation.

Sandrine Scuri, an accounts management specialist, has handled accounting at the Foundation since 2016.

Flore Sinturel is a biologist who studied in Paris until her PhD (in biochemistry and molecular biology). She arrived in Geneva in 2013 and undertook two successive post-docs, at the University of Geneva's Faculty of Sciences and then within the Faculty of Medicine. There, she went on to become a senior assistant and scientific collaborator. Flore joined the Foundation in 2023 where she is in charge of all projects relating to research.

Personnal Assistant/Project manager
Elisabeth Cuénod graduated from the University of Geneva in Humanities and from the University of Edinburgh in Social Sciences. She specialised in gender and sexuality studies, and in digital sociology. Elisabeth worked in the healthcare sector in London, UK before joining the Foundation in 2023.

With over ten years of experience in the healthcare sector, first with the Swiss Medical Network group, then as communications advisor for the UNIL CHUV Oncology Department, headquarters of one of the three global branches of Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Diane de Saab joins the Foundation in 2023 as communications officer.
Sur proposition des HUG et d’entente avec la Faculté de médecine, le Conseil de fondation nomme les membres des Comités consultatifs scientifiques et des Comités d'experts.
Les comités consultatifs scientifiques peuvent être saisis par le Conseil de fondation en tout temps et émettent des préavis à son attention. Ils proposent le mode et la durée du financement des projets, ainsi que les objectifs à atteindre pour lesdits projets. Ils basent leurs évaluations selon la procédure et les critères établis par le Conseil de fondation, et s'appuient le cas échéant sur des expertises externes, suisses ou étrangères.
Le Comité consultatif scientifique pour les projets de recherche fondamentale, translationnelle ou clinique
Sa présidence est confiée de plein droit au représentant du décanat en charge de la recherche au sein de la Faculté de médecine.
Le Comité consultatif scientifique pour les projets de recherche autour des patients et des processus
Sa présidence est désignée par la Direction médicale des Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève.